JR, Carpal Tunnel Surgery Customer

From my initial appointment to post op the service provided was amazing. The medical team were friendly and talked you through the procedure step by step, and provided detailed aftercare instructions.

SN, Carpal Tunnel Customer

The surgeon and nurse were very patient with me as I was a bit nervous a very pleasant and friendly team.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition where the median nerve is compressed as it passes through a short tunnel at the wrist. This tunnel contains the tendons that bend the fingers and thumb as well as the nerve. CTS commonly affects women in middle age but can occur at any age in men or women. CTS may be […]

Will Carpal Tunnel Decompression hurt?

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When the local anaesthetic is injected into the skin of the hand you will feel some discomfort, but as soon as it takes effect, you should feel no pain. After your carpal tunnel decompression, you may have some degree of discomfort for 3-4 weeks requiring pain relief. Similar Will Carpal Tunnel Decompression hurt? Custom ear […]

Carpal Tunnel Decompression

MINOR SURGERY Carpal Tunnel Decompression We offer Carpal Tunnel Decompression Surgery which divides a ligament in your wrist to relieve discomfort and improve movement and feeling in your hand or wrist. These services are available via: NHS Self-pay At Provide Wellbeing, our experienced doctors will be able to diagnose whether you haveย Carpal Tunnel Syndromeย at an […]



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