Carpal Tunnel Decompression

We offer Carpal Tunnel Decompression Surgery which divides a ligament in your wrist to relieve discomfort and improve movement and feeling in your hand or wrist.

These services are available via:



green tick
PW self pay


green tick

At Provide Wellbeing, our experienced doctors will be able to diagnose whether you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at an initial assessment appointment, and will be able to offer treatment options which include splinting or injections for less severe cases, and/or an operation on your hand.

Carpal Tunnel Decompression is also available for NHS referrals. If your symptoms are not severe, your GP may be able to treat you satisfactorily. If the cause of the symptoms are unclear, or if the treatment is not appropriate or does not cure your symptoms, the GP will refer you to specialists such as those at our brand new Clinic Centre on The Crescent in Colchester, or at Valkyrie Surgery, Westcliff-on-Sea. You can request for your GP to refer you to Provide Wellbeing specifically.

How can Carpal Tunnel Decompression help me?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition where the median nerve, which runs down the arm and into the hand, is compressed where it passes through a small tunnel at the wrist. This tunnel contains the nerve and the tendons that bend the fingers and thumbs. CTS can occur at any age and in either men or women, but often affects women in their middle age.

The main symptom of CTS is an altered feeling in the hand that affects the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers. The altered feeling is frequently described as tingling, with the feeling often being worse at night or first thing in the morning. In the early stages, numbness and tingling will be sporadic and regular sensation in your hand will return to normal. If the condition worsens, the tingling and numbness will become continuous, alongside weakness and the wasting of muscle at the base of the thumb. Carpal Tunnel Decompression relieves these symptoms with a simple procedure.

Out of the 105 Carpal Tunnel Decompression Surgery patients we surveyed in 2020-21, 99% rated our service positively.

Treatment information

If after your initial assessment it is advised that surgery is required, you can book a second 30-minute appointment where the surgery can take place. You can decide when this would be most convenient for you, taking into account recovery time.

It generally will take about three months to regain your full strength in the affected hand, but your hand can be used for light activities from the day you have your procedure. This means that you should be able to return to work as soon as you feel ready. The more that you use your hand, the quicker it will recover.

Many patients will be able to do all their normal work two weeks after the operation. However, if your work involves a lot of manual lifting, or work that involves a lot of repetitive finger and hand movements, you will need to start gently, and it may take a little longer for you to fully recover. Medical certificates can be provided at the time of surgery on request, should you need to show your employer.

Our Process

Step 1 – Register with the clinic

Step 2 – Initial Assessment Session – 15 to 30 minute appointment

(Optional: Nerve Conduction Study if necessary to confirm Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)

Step 3 – Surgery – 30 minute booked appointment (no gowning and no need to be in a bed)

Step 4 – Follow-up Assessment (Self-Pay Only)

Separate physiotherapy sessions are not necessary with this type of procedure.

Pricing and appointments (Self-Pay)

Carpal Tunnel Decompression Surgery£495

A typical self-pay treatment plan usually costs £1,100 and includes an Initial Assessment and Surgical Appointment. However, a list of possible charges that may apply in certain circumstances are detailed below:

Initial Assessment
(plus £50 if injection required)

Follow-up Appointment, if injection required for 2nd hand

Follow-up Appointment, if required post-injection, to establish whether surgery is appropriateis£150

Nerve Conduction Study, if required – prices will depend on patient choice of provider and location

Surgical Appointment£900
Appointment for removal of stitches
(in cases where soluble stitches are not suitable)
Follow-up Appointment with Surgeon£150
(not normally required)

These prices are inclusive of VAT. These appointments take place at our brand new Clinic Centre on The Crescent in Colchester, Essex.

Your appointment will be 30 minutes long – this includes the No-Scalpel Vasectomy and a prior consultation with the doctor, where the procedure and aftercare process will be explained, and the doctor will be able to answer any questions you may have. The procedure itself can be completed in about 15 minutes, after which you can return home.

You can find a full list of payment terms and conditions here.

To find out more about our Microsuction service, please get in touch for more information or to book an appointment


Carpal Tunnel Decompression

for more information about booking an appointment.
If you are filling in the form on someone’s behalf, please use their details.

Call 0300 303 9966 or arrange a call back…

Carpal Tunnel Decompression Services Help & Resources

If your job does not involve any heavy work, you can go back to work as soon as you feel ready following your carpal tunnel decompression surgery. If it does then you should take a whole week off to recover. You will recover quicker the sooner you return to normal...

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When the local anaesthetic is injected into the skin of the hand you will feel some discomfort, but as soon as it takes effect, you should feel no pain. After your carpal tunnel decompression, you may have some degree of discomfort for 3-4 weeks requiring pain relief.

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Our team of clinicians will focus on four modules during the ASD Our team of clinicians will focus on four modules during the ASD assessment, consisting of various structured activities and less structured interactions, all of which will be tailored to your child’s particular level. A comprehensive diagnostic report will also be produced, which you may choose to share with the relevant educational...

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On average the carpal tunnel procedure takes about 20 minutes, but you will be at the surgery for around an hour.

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The carpal tunnel operation is performed under a local anaesthetic and involves opening the roof of the tunnel to reduce the pressure on the nerve. Afterward, the site of the operation will be covered by a small adhesive dressing. We typically use soluble stitches which dissolve or fall out within...

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition where the median nerve is compressed as it passes through a short tunnel at the wrist. This tunnel contains the tendons that bend the fingers and thumb as well as the nerve. CTS commonly affects women in middle age but can occur at any age...

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